The Struggle Between Resistance & Expansion
a portend of full awareness
The timing is interesting for the full moon in Taurus.
It almost gets to full culmination at 11:51 AM PST on Friday November 15th, 2024, but the moon doesn’t exactly oppose the sun until 1:27 PM PST.
This suggests difficulty reaching full awareness.
Resistance causes the wait.
Though you can sense the full change is coming — that you have no control over its arrival — it’s very uncomfortable. So you try to stop it. Or else, you’re just not sure how to allow it to happen, in the body.
A portend — a cledon. In the form of a stinging toe, an aching shoulder. Or low grade anxiety, for quite a few days that keeps you from deep rest.
Taurus is a sign related to time, in that it doesn’t like being rushed.
A strong reaction to not being given enough time to settle into a certain quality of contentment, or ample space to decide if something is or isn’t a good fit.
Applying pressure can quickly turn a peaceful, loving nature into a formidable aggressor.
Add shock value that this full moon brings, and we’re dealing with a potentially molten physicality.
The need to wait has varied repercussions.
You can miss out on opportunities to profit if you prioritize feeling comfortable over making progress.
Sometimes being scared to take the leap is a symptom of a quality pursuit.
Ideals are not our friends.
They can be acquaintances, but if we aren’t allowing life to alter the quality of our experiences — we’re busting up the place with our resistance to the potential living in what arrives — we’re making an enemy out of an opportunity for expansion.
We’re talking major deviation, that can help you stabilize yourself in life. Like releasing the grip the eyes of others has had on you.
We can relate differently to our familial relationship stories if we’re willing to try out a new neural pathway.
This full moon has the quality of Uranus embedded in it.
You don’t see something coming and it has to do with Taurus themed stuff. Like the value of a good pondering session, plugging away at a tried & true methodology of relating to life, and meals & experiences that bring a sigh of satisfaction.
Here’s some more key words to consider: ownership, faithfulness, principles, issues related to being stuck or refusing to budge, financial matters, investments, savings & loans, currency, personal debts, income, leather products, sweet treats, starchy foods.
Please don’t forget: Not all surprises are bad.
You can get shocked in an upward trajectory kinda way. Happens a lot in life. We just tend to focus on the ones that causes a pull back in our progress.
But even a pull back leads to progress.
Even if the experience gives you the blinks & you glitch out, something can be developed from the forced restructuring.
We can develop a new way. And not out of spite. We can do it because there’s something about the painful imperfection that helps you excel at something you’re capable of being great at.
When Uranus is activated within Taurean themes of life, we know right away that the size of the shock is in direct correlation to the quality of our resistance.
Taurus is related to survival fears. It can be the seagull on top of the mound of stuff, screaming “MINE!! MINE!!!” It’ll push you off the cliff if you try to force it to part with its hole-laden wool sweater.
Yeah — it does still keep you warm. But you might be even warmer if you wore a garment that didn’t let the breeze in in odd ball areas.
Consider what you cling to when feeling afraid that you’ll end up (core life fear goes here).
If Uranus can bring awareness of how to free ourselves from fears that cripple our trajectory, I say, hallelujah. But to embody that freedom & allow it to shift an impoverished POV, you have to tend to the neural networks in your body & mind.
This is an awareness that touches all the branches of your inner tree, and shocks the shit out of ’em.
A nervous system being force-fed previously resisted information has some very specific needs. You gotta bring it back from panic mode in a natural, practical, resourceful way. (Orienting is the way — well, one of them).
The truth is (this is really hard to integrate) it’s not your birthright to feel good all the time.
If it was, you wouldn’t be in human form.
Much of the stressors we experience within our bodies and minds are due to our resistance to the feeling nature.
There’s something about the trajectory that needs a new insight about feeling & comfort in the body.
It’s related to our families, our frugality or decadence in relationships, how guarded or serious we are within the context of how we relate to material independence and success — for better or worse.
I tend to make the most money & have the best experiences in my relationships when I focus on quality over accolades.
A full moon means feelings are revealed, and they have shock value.
The week leading up to the full moon in Taurus is the period of time when the surprise comes.
We’re processing out-of-the-box Awareness.
Where? Look for the house number where 24 degrees of Taurus lives in your chart. Then, check out this post for house descriptions.
When we have a fixed sign like Taurus it’s important to consider the resistance factor.
There is a general unwillingness to open ones arms to the prospect of change, or to what disrupts a pleasant physical experience — whether that’s in the body, bank account, or on our plates.
This energy appreciates the outcome of a methodological approach to life. Which means it’s not much for surprises. Plugging away at life in a practical way is the focus.
Stabilization of a key area of life requires minimal disruptions.
Interruptions to what creates & provides progress, like reveals you’re not sure how to tolerate in the body can feel traumatic — anxiety inducing.
Subterranean survival terror is like that.
The fact that change is demanded of us — the structural undercurrents of life are requiring this shift — causes a lot of fear.
Even if it’s a change that brings you closer to what you truly value. And will help the instability become more tolerable. And thus, create more overall physical stability.
imagine that.
With this full moon, we need to consider what the fear of being torn from what we’re used to does to us.
- How do we respond to the forces of change we have no control over?
- How do we react to changes that make things nicer in our lives — more pleasant?
- How does a coagulated sense of self influence our ability to receive a bounty?
- How can we be there for ourselves in our fears — our vulnerability — instead of flipping the table, or attempting to harm our assets, other humans, or ourselves — physically or psychologically?
An enjoyable experience is birthed from its opposite.
To have a kinesthetically wonderful, loving, fulfilling, physical life experience, you will need to know the other end of the pendulum.
The growing pains. The refusal. The exit from eden.
The birth experience — the beginning of the journey.
The gore of birth is the origin of life.
Sometimes, it takes a shock to get us on the right track.
To get us to take up the methodical mission of stabilizing ourselves in life means we have to get cast from the pack. There’s a cub being told to leave it’s mother’s den. It’s horrific to watch. But there would be no more mother cubs in the future, if the tearing didn’t complete it’s process.
It’s time to go my love.
In the period leading up to the full moon, you might run into a struggle related to being rushed, pressured, or feeling rejected. Denied an asset in your life.
It feels unfair. Not very kind. But there’s something else occurring.
Maybe you tap into the extreme heat that bursts forth, when you sense the fear of not having enough — not being enough. Not feeling lovable by someone whose love mattered to you.
For better or worse, the perspective of someone else is involved in your acquisition journey.
Whether you’re acquiring a grounded sense of self, stabilizing your energy field, stacking tokens in your account, exchanging crypto for cash profits, or building a home within or externally — other people’s POVs influence the progress.
The other perspective might surprise you.
If you note the influence, and allow the awareness to influence your future actions in a practical manner, you’ll do well with it.
More enjoyment in the acquisition of what matters is possible.
But first you have to see what’s been making it so damn un-enjoyable.