Pluto at the 29th Degree of Capricorn
Salvage the wooden beams for the next story
Had a feeling of endings I don’t want to become endings over the last 3 weeks, lingering in my psyche & body.
Pluto ache is real. It’s like something being unfurled from your spinal column, but the essence of it will always remain. Has to do with family and ties that can’t be unbound. But in some way, somehow, they must, in order for the next stage of life to begin.
It’s knowing something has to give, has to go — but at a cost. And the cost always feels slightly unfathomable, yet in all practical notions, you can handle it. It just requires you embrace a new identity, and be more loyal to being unencumbered by what happened ALL those years prior. Perhaps being less “I’m upset so I’m going to throw myself in traffic” — cuz if everyone’s doing it, it’s not a very effective mode of getting your point across.
It’s the way you know you’ll never forget something or someone, so it might haunt you some, but you must still go on. Because you’ve got laundry you don’t want to do, to do.
WTF, right?
I got an email from astro(dot)com which offered a slightly (ok much more) eloquent and to the point interpretation of Pluto’s final scene of a wrecking ball swing through Capricorn, which may be of benefit to, well, all of us. But particularly those of us who feel and sense more lately than what we can adequately or clearly articulate to the masses:
On September 2, Pluto will enter Capricorn for the last time before it finally begins its long journey through Aquarius on November 19. In this last phase in Capricorn, it will confront us once again with challenging issues. We are in the midst of a turning point in history and must once again carefully consider what we want to take from the old world into the new, still unknown world.
In the coming weeks, some transformative issues may encounter resistance. The price of political and economic stability could become an issue, and we can also expect conflicts over world views. Strong counterforces could try one last time to turn back the wheel.
The hubby & I have sat down and chatted about this, particularly the bit above I’ve highlighted. Maybe there’s someone in your life you trust enough to have an open and unencumbered conversation about what it is you will take, and what you will leave behind.
Whatever you leave behind, it might be something you never thought you could.
Or perhaps it’s something or someone you thought you’d reunite with — that it wouldn’t, nee couldn’t go down this way. But yet it has. And perhaps — just maybe — you might get some other thing entering your life as a replacement for what it is you really wanted, & felt you needed.
It might never seem an adequate replacement, but within the context of earthly existence, I think it will still be helpful. It’ll help you wet your whistle when it needs wetting in the future.
When I take in the statement above — “We are in the midst of a turning point in history and must once again carefully consider what we want to take from the old world into the new, still unknown world” I consider the notions perpetuated by masses of media-hungry humans who assert the entirety of the old world needs to die. That it’s all somehow rotten and bad. That all the history has been written without error or use of white out (people of every skin color & culture use white out, BTW).
I consider how certain cultures and narratives are propped up on storyboards that only show the scenes they want to be highlighted — the events & circumstances that make it look nice, and good. Clean. How a whole section of the story is missing, while there are a bevy of humans who know without the glory of scientific proof badges that there is a whole new movie about to be released that’s been held in a vault since the 1800s. And it’s got more truth spraying out its asshole than any NIH backed research could ever contain on a server at langley.
And I consider the act of deconstructing a home, and how we would salvage the beautiful wooden beams and scour the siding and foundation to see if it had “good bones” as a former architect employer of mine like to refer to a house that looked like shit but had a lot of potential. IE there was still something of use within what most would consider a tear down (and yes, tears can and will fall — its the mark of the times).
At this point I’m seeking adequate degrees of reverence for the difficulties and karmic implications of generations upon generations of actions and choices within this complicated, manufactured and meticulously curated experience we are all having.
I’m knowing beyond the narratives of what is supposedly known, that we’re all supposed to search for the beautiful wooden beams in our own lives and consciousness, and take them with us as we begin to build something new, that’s real — not a replication.
But of course that’s a very poetic and perhaps confusing way to communicate that we’re in desperate need of knowing there is something beyond the chaos and pessimism and skepticism. Shit there’s a lot of that. Sure, all those states can exist — they DO exist & need to exist. Even paranoia has it’s place in our evolution.
But we need a bit of belief in the value of what we can’t quite know or tether ourselves to just yet.
I don’t know what will happen for each of us individually. Maybe some of us will grieve deeply, and in turn, reclaim our potential.
Maybe someone will discover something they lost. Maybe they will give up on an impossibility in order to learn how to feed themselves again.
Maybe someone will discover an unfathomable lie, that wasn’t really that unfathomable. And it will make them powerful.
I don’t fucking know, friends. But dang it if we aren’t all at an interesting point in human history. And there are so many things occurring, in places we can’t see or know of just yet.
But that doesn’t mean they aren’t occurring.
In mundane astrology, Pluto’s key role is to transform what it touches.
It’s related to power and the use of power. So throw in manipulation & lies to your key word list, because those are known manners of gettin’ the conch in ones filthy hands.
Plutocracy, or government by the 1% is so very Plutonian (important to realize not all wealthy humans are part of the plutocracy — we’re talking the elite class who tend to own everything, from water companies to diaper manufacturers, and pharmaceutical weaponry.)
Pluto can destroy in the name of forces beyond worldly ideals or wants. It can also regenerate, and bring something back to life. But not without some tears & intra-psychic restructuring brought on my some form of loss.
It Lords over the sign of Scorpio, which in mundane astrology rules the following areas of life:
Big business, monopoly, debt, bonds, alimony, bankruptcy, dowries, inheritances, taxes, investments, insurance, and other financial instruments, power and the use of power, outcome of lawsuits, scientific research, stem cell research, pharmacies and pharmaceutics, all matters related to reproduction, including research, all matter related to death, funeral homes, etc., espionage and spy-related equipment, detectives, environmental and pollution control, sewage disposal, rubbish dumps and junk dealers.
CAPRICORN in mundane astrology rules:
Builders and contractors, building engineers, industrial engineers, civil engineers, mining engineers, mines and all mine products, all things related to time, watches and clocks manufacturers and dealers, conglomerates, business matters in general, employers and authority figures, government, career, profession, status in the world, politics, politicians, reputation, responsibilities.
So add transformation, regeneration, destruction of all those Capricorn areas listed above and you can get some insights into the potentialities of this big shift, or shit as it may be.
Don’t forget that shit is compost.
And here’s the sabian symbol for 29 degree of Capricorn, from sabiansymbols(dot)com, which I found quite interesting:
This Symbol shows being able to see things that others miss or using the intuition in order to receive the gifts that divination can bring. While others just see something simple like a tea cup, you can have the ability to weave a story for yourself and others about how life will, or can, be. One has to put aside skepticism and embrace trust and intuitive knowing in order to be able to listen to the messages that are around.
Be open to seeing meaning through the catalyst of the simplest of everyday events. You will receive messages, if you are open to ‘seeing’ the signs. You may have to deal with skeptical people.
Symbolism that acts to open pathways to the spiritual center. Reading things. Non verbal clues. Tea and sympathy. Divining the future. Rituals. Oracles. Fine China. Guidance.
Reliance on esoteric advice. Not trusting gut feelings. Looking for confirmation of fears. Taking things literally, not symbolically. Excessive tea or coffee drinking.
For a more on Capricorn, check out this post about Capricorn & Health.