New Moon in Gemini

Andrea Scoretz
1 min readJun 16, 2023


June 17, 2023 @ 9:37:43 pm pst

This new moon enlivens a potential to reawaken curiosity, something you’ll need in order to see through the illusions of the mind.

Let your spirit speak — affirm receptivity to the ways collective illusions have & continue to dominate.

There’s a truth much greater than the desperate adamancy that all suffering be eradicated.

You need curiosity, in order to welcome messages of renewal into your consciousness.

If you don’t use this time to let go of an illusion

You’ll shut yourself off from something you need to become aware of.

Work with the night and the day

One is not better than the other

They are both messengers.

Don’t do anything with the new moon until it goes exact or afterwards — otherwise the past is still still involved & will be included in the ceremony.

Explore your astrological blueprint



Andrea Scoretz

Writer | Astrologer. Health of body, mind, soul & money = Astrology helps with that. Healing the individual, heal the collective.