Free yourself from ties that bind

Andrea Scoretz
4 min readNov 10, 2023


New Moon in Scorpio — November 13th, 2023

New Moon in Scorpio

November 13th, 2023

1:25 am pst; 4:25 am est

20.43 degree of scorpio


Setting an intention to develop a strategy to free yourself from ties that bind, so you can activate latent regenerative qualities you possess.


Scorpio speaks to relationships that can be invasive. It is a sign of fixed emotionality. Staying with a feeling, even if it damages you — being sensitive to the capacity of water to pour into every single crevice and be informed by the energy of the holes and punctures it touches — for better or worse.

Mars is a cutting away energy. With it so closely associated with the new moon, we are being guided to consider, in a private way (scorpio is secretive) a strategy for breaking free of primal patterns that deplete our resources — that stop the story from moving.

Because Uranus is opposing this new moon, the need to cut something out that has too much power over us may be informed by the shock of betrayal, or perhaps something that just feels like a betrayal. You might not want to own your part. In reality, beyond the discomfort of forced change, we may be being released from unhealthy patterns via inner warrior “let’s fucken go!” energy.

The release can help us regenerate — it can help us focus on our independent needs related to our investments, debts, reproductive health — the things we are emotionally invested in that have control over us, and speak to how we use & abuse power, for better or worse.

The potential for submerged anger to be acted upon in a deeply manipulative & destructive way is online — literally and metaphorically.

OK. Good to know. Own the subterranean urge to get someone back for doing what they need to do to be well. Even if you don’t like it, they will still act upon their own primal urges. So will you.

Mars is our individual drive. Honor the individual, instinctive need for healing, in whatever way it comes about or looks — even if it seems to impact your emotional attachments & the way you want to feel.

Uranus is the cosmic disruptor. As above so below — an archetypal force you cannot predict. So don’t try to, just hone in on how you can be there for yourself when you feel the rumbling of change in your body.

You can survive the shock. You can adapt. You have the power. Use it. Hold the sword high, but don’t use it to harm anyone. Just own your strength, and be deeply sensitive to the nature of what you are being faced with in your personal life. It has a resonance beyond you ego’s desire to control and dominate.

Have faith in something beyond the emotions of feeling abandoned. Respect the need for endings as they teach you about something you need to develop for yourself. Being freed from a bind, in a way you didn’t see coming — that’s what matters. Not charlatan rules.

Still, this is cellular memory involved. Whatever has been occurring may be emulating events that aren’t easy to get a conscious handle on or control. Even though it might feel uncomfortable not to know the details (you might really feel like getting to the bottom of things lately) there are some things that aren’t for you to understand or feel OK about, on demand. Some things — and some people & some levels of awareness — are not always for you to know about at this time. Time plays a factor. It might be viewed as a construct, but it still has a story to tell, and a power.

It all links to power moves. We are meandering power and control territory — how that plays out consciously and deeply unconsciously — and how we react when we are re-acting, doing a repeat of a scene from events we may restrict ourselves from knowing the full story about because its too painful to believe it. Or we just do not have conscious memory of because our minds shut us off from it, a long, long time ago, as a means to not go insane.

Well shit, right? That sounds a bit much.

We all have this capacity to have & expect “a bit too much” in some area of life. To think we need more, and more and more. To be given more than we feel we can handle.

Sometimes not having all that you want is meant to serve you. You are limited in order to support a new journey — the breaking of new ground on land you are meant to seek residence in — develop for yourself, in a new way.

Look for where Scorpio lands in your chart. That house’s themes tell a story about regeneration and renewal, despite having gone through some severe shit in the context of relationships, and in the way you repeat primal patterns that continue unhealthy dynamics.

Not just with people. Whatever you tie yourself to, whatever has control over you or you are trying to control — get ready for some “out of the box” insight into how that needs to be changed.



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Andrea Scoretz

Writer, Astrologer. Renegade Theologian. Health of body, mind, soul & money >>>