Cracking the Seed that Started it

Pluto stories in Capricorn.

Andrea Scoretz
8 min readOct 11, 2024

I can’t take credit for all of the insights I’m about to share. But I can take credit for the path I chose to walk, which pain helped me take, and led to this information.

Pluto as an archetype can most strongly manifest in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. An explosive transformation that’s always a bit tragic.
  2. A very tiny thing that doesn’t seem to mean that much at the time, but turns out to bloom like an atomic bomb.

Astrologer Michael Lutin taught me this. I had the great fortune of having a few 1 on 1 sessions with him years ago. His way of explaining life and astrology offered me a pathway to locate the truth about the stories I’d told myself, about my life experiences. Particularly the most painful bits.

His insights were a bit confusing at first. I could sense there was more to the story, yet all I could hold at the time were the surface points. See, he wasn’t ripping off the band-aid on what he picked up on. He knew based on a doctorate in psychology, which, years ago, he quietly engaged with behind the scenes of his astrological practice, that one must slowly come to the truth — particularly when it’s locked up in the unconscious, in a copper vault.

So it took some time to suss out just what he was getting at — to actually taste the homeopathic pills he was trying to slip under my tongue during our chats. About 6 months later, I landed on a newfound awareness that really shifted things. Ouch, it hurt. And even now, so many years later, I’m still receiving the gold nuggets born of those discussions at the most peculiar of junctions — through oddball assumptions — and the continuous ripping of seams of the garments I’ve adorned myself with, to help make it through life.

Better to go naked.

See, it’s always the little things you try to glide over top of, that have the most content In them to unpack. Important shit. But the most important shit has to be figured out by you. Someone else can’t tell you the truth — you have to locate it within, and be willing to engage with it long enough to integrate it.

You gotta learn how to stand the taste of it.

Some people act as the activators. Or the agitators. Where resistance lives, an agitating force will inevitably show up for a cappuccino and a f*** off reveal — perhaps an impromptu upending exchange you never saw coming — didn’t think you needed. Yet part of you always & forever did.

We have to learn to tolerate certain truths before we can walk away from them with finality.

You can’t change things until you let the information in, which helps you to live differently. To exist in a different format.

Time has its part to play in helping us face what lives beyond the stories we’ve always told ourselves, about the things we can’t fucking stand.

As time passes, we go a little deeper into the layers of sediment, and archaic artifacts that contain more of the truth.

It’s interesting & scary; freeing & terrifying. But mostly empowering. True-power-source activating. No more fake-ness.

With the Pluto archetype living within each of our psyches, we can’t be sure what will happen or what will surface.

Someone recently shared with me that he had managed to restrain Pluto’s influence. I thought this was an uninformed yet risky tale to tell. Sort of like saying Beetlejuice 3 times in a row. A sure-fire way to get humbled in an incomprehensible, inter-dimensional way.

I’m not sure Pluto would say anything specifically about such a comment. He would likely just lean his elbow in a little harder into the guy’s frontal lobe, until he heard him begin to moan, and then lean in some more. Keep going until the resistance band in his psyche snapped, and he started to engage with allowing the awareness that needed to come through, to come through.

Something that needs to be understood at a deeper level has the conch right now.

It’s not a period of time where resistance to awareness comes out on top.

This kind of truth is loyal to the deepest realities of nature — warts & all. Realms of inner awareness that take no heed of the morality clauses imposed upon a child’s spirit. The continuation of lineage-based habits is scoffed at. That which blocks celestial insights — acts of soul-eradication — has no power here. Nay — we are receiving whatever we need to receive, to reunite with the bones of truth.

Maybe someone in your life will act on behalf of Hades. Unconsciously of course.

See, there’s many humans living on earth, who made a celestial handshake to do the bidding of Pluto — IE, trigger the evolution of humans.

It’s often folks who naturally emit this transformative energy that scare the shit out of people.

You’ll know if you’re holding this power if someone wants to take you out for simply walking into a store, while another is auto-obsessive — wants to use you as a battery source, no matter how it drains your essence.

One needs a strong inner foundation, to handle these kinds of extremes.

Needless to say, there’s no loyalty to comfort and ease in sight with this crew of Plutonian renegades — a primal need to execute change, beyond the boundaries of human safety, or Time. Or issues of calculated morality, loyalties to fairness or human-led justice. That’s just considered “cute” to Pluto energy.

But surely (hi Shirley ) there’s room to experience some of the comforts of earthly existence, too, right? Heck, we are in human form. Most of us, anyway.

There’s more to life than the extreme states of transformation Plutonian energy is known to trigger.

A feather down comforter is an apt companion for someone who’s life experience has been so thoroughly enmeshed & rocked with rebirth and regeneration.

Maybe set a timer, to engage with rest. What can I say? Recovering from intense psychological processes goes well with high count thread sheets & a bowl of soup. ‍♀️ This rising from the ashes business, over and over and over again, needs whatever comforts it can lay its freshly un-crisped wings on.

With Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn, we’re coping with transformations to our ancestral, lineage-created psychological landscape.

We’re also experiencing the karmic transformation of the area of life associated with the Capricorn house in our charts. The story behind your natal house placement of Pluto will also be jiggling right now. Check out this post about the houses to explore more. Or scroll to the bottom of this post, for an opportunity to explore your experience in a more one-one-one way.

This change-experience happens to be even more grind-y, achey and moan-from-the-place-you’ve-been-trying-to-evade than it’s ever been before. Because Pluto goes direct — Friday October 11, 2024 at 5:31:31 PM PST.

A planet going direct after a retrograde period means the archetypal force loyal to universal evolution is now staring down the seed within that created & fed our want for power & control. Our unconscious desire to evolve, our penchant for obsession & manipulation as a means to contort the outer experience, to avoid how we need to change, is being located — pressure applied.

Our death fears, that are stapled to the ways we relate to life are being identified. The energy of Pluto’s eyes are like nutcrackers, forcing out the content, informing us of the potentials that live there — particularly the feelings we’ve been trained to deny rather than figure out how to integrate.

We’re creating new land in this process.

It’s call-your-therapist energy. And it brings a deeper understanding of soul-suffering states like shame & rage; paranoia & grief. So we can connect with our power.

Some of it, at least. There’s lots of information from this period we won’t know the truth of for many years — if ever. At least, not while in human form.

Pluto’s alterations to the signs always come with an outcome we can’t know the full extent of.

There’s always a cost, a tax we pay, something we have to give up, to walk forward in our evolution with greater authenticity & purity of soul. But it requires many generations to come and go, before we can deduce the final degree of “Ohhhh. Wow.

This archetype is about long, long, long-term.

Without-time. And it’s about Love we don’t quite understand, yet it endures. So we have to wait to comprehend its full nature. No words. And in some cases, “it” may never come in the format we think it will.

It’s not over, but our ways of coping and relating to the practical notions of life are getting upended.

Right now, waiting could feel increasingly intolerable. If you’ve got aspects to the 29th degree of Capricorn in your chart, it’s especially intense. That relationship between Pluto & whatever chart point he’s activating will tell you an important story about your psychological resistance to change. Perhaps one that feels never-ending. But alas, it will be written in ink soon enough.

You might just be trying hard to focus on the future right now.

Trying to coast over feelings in a psychological chariot comes with a gentle reminder that power exists in facing “it”. Your load will be lighter moving forward. IE you’ll have more air in your tires in the future if you face the leak the best you can now.

I think we’re all getting closer to knowing that spot in our guts that has something to tell us.

The herbs might help a little bit* but it’s about more than treating with a stomach-soother remedy. This is holistic healing territory. There’s increased awareness of ancestral patterns, and the sensing of an unknown element — a key detail that’s yet to be revealed.

It may be that we don’t have the level of consciousness required to understand and integrate the full extent of truth trying to show it’s face. Just getting whiffs of it.

But maybe we do. Who am I to say? I don’t want to get more of an elbow pressed into my cranium — all stocked up on those experiences, thanks. So I’ll maintain humbleness, while slowly yet certainly, continuing to claim the run off of this period of filthy, destructive, yet regenerative experiences that so many are experiencing:

a bold source of power I’ve longed to know my entire life that scoffs at the want to control what isn’t mine to dominate.

Wielding power well will be the path of the next 20 years. “Oy!! Don’t be a c***t, what with all that newly accessed personal power, mmm kay?

Yeah, OK. I get the gist. Do unto others. End the ancestral cycle, in whatever way you can. Build new structures upon a real foundation — not replications of brick.

We are all on one nutters of an adventure right now.

You can smell the hint of optimism in the icing atop the shit-ensconced brownie. So we might keep darting our tongues out, wanting a taste of that bonus bit to the melancholic emotional writhing.

It tastes good. Just don’t eat the shit, right? That’s for growing things. Not consuming.

Can you believe they actually left? Maybe.

Can you believe they never even showed up? I’ll buy that. Cause it’s true.

Can you sense a truer reason why now? If you’re nervous for no apparent reason, the answer is certainly yes.



A Few Resources

  • *A great herbal remedy for gastrointestinal upset/inflammation: pour water over 1 tsp each of the herbs marshmallow & slippery elm in a glass. Cover and let soak over night. Strain and drink as first beverage in the morning.
  • Listening to Only Love Can Break Your Heart by Neil Young could be helpful.
  • Read Howard Sasportas’s insights on Plutonian Crisis in his book Gods of Change.
  • If you’d like to explore your personal Pluto experience, I offer Astrological Triage Reports Here.



Andrea Scoretz
Andrea Scoretz

Written by Andrea Scoretz

Writer, Astrologer. Renegade Theologian Type. Health of body, mind, soul & money >>>

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