Aquarius New Moon Shadows, starring Pluto
Use your recent experiences with the shadows to inform your intentions
On the cusp of a new moon involving Pluto, I’m interested in the shadows of Aquarian energy — the stubbornness that comes online when an ideal is challenged by the realities of human life.
Honouring the depth of feeling that has the potential to be unearthed at this time is helpful to humanity.
We don’t need to like feelings, or believe them to be logical — they often aren’t! (where do they even come from? Some sort of neural network? Is the borg real?) But it would be of benefit to society and us as individuals to accept that there are energies living within the structures of our minds which may have been inhibited in their expression for a very long time, yet they STILL influence us. They steer our thoughts, more so when we refuse to look at them.
Get ready to greet what does not align with your ideals. That’s all I’m sayin’
Maybe you’re already tussling with that — maybe you’ve had some experiences recently that taught you, “Wow — I can really be inflexible when I’m in controlling-jealous-paranoia mode.”
I mean, I’m not saying everyone is like this. But everyone is like this. In some way, or area of life.
If you are intolerant of anything that does not conform to your idea of what society or life could or should look like, you will be challenged in some way.
This could be about embodying humbleness for the power that hidden elements of society — and individuals — possess to shape the future of our world; how all that’s not seen (radio waves maybe?) impacts our thinking and nervous systems.
Collectively, we’ve entered into a month long span of time where detached rationality & independent thinking is at the forefront of our consciousness.
We’ve got greater access to that kind of energy. Cool — we might be able to see things from a different angle. And pretty sure (I don’t know for sure, ok?) we could all use an infusement of rationality in some area of our lives.
But we can’t use rationality as an excuse to deny what our nervous systems are trying to tell us about the transformational energies erupting within & around us.
We cannot be ignorant to our contributions to the annoyance we feel towards those who don’t think the way we think anymore. I mean, we can, but why? What’s the point? Is it working?
And it’s not even true ignorance — you’re being ignorant, on purpose.
It’s a tick — a pattern that’s been unveiled. THAT’s why you feel so uncomfortable. You just don’t know enough about it yet, or what to do with it.
Being of benefit to humanity & group causes could be as simple as doing your inner healing work — realizing where you are holding yourself back.
Witnessing immovability in moments when its actually good for the group cause if you are receptive is part of being a humanitarian.
Human relations are more productive when individuals understand their potential to be rigid when they don’t need to be.
Being a know it all when there’s so much you don’t know holds us all back.
It uses up the energetic calories we need to really dig our heels in on something — something that impacts us all.
Hidden impulses have their place in society, and command their territory when Pluto is involved like it is with this new moon.
Subterranean motives and the subsequent feelings might get rubbed into your thoughts — forced into your consciousness.
Ack! WTF! They won’t be ideal. Maybe even feel disgusting.
But we are tasked with figuring out how to have a rational discourse with what freaks us out — what we feel like we cannot stand.
To understand how dang rational it is to engage with the irrational, in order to understand it more — that’s the opportunity here.
Pluto is about control — the desire for power. And we have work to do, developing the foundation required to witness how it feels to know you’re not solely focused on altruism.
There is a self-serving element at play born of unconscious motivators, which aren’t of benefit to humanity. But which can be healed if brought into the light of consciousness in a grounded and practical way.
After the moon culminates at 12:52:50 January 21, 2023, take some time to set an intention.
Use your recent experiences — the shadowy experiences/elements that have entered your consciousness over the past week or so — to inform this intention.
Use the cosmic energies to support the evolution of consciousness. The work you do informs the trajectory of society.
This new moon is happening when the moon is at perigee, which means it’s closest to the earth, indicating a stronger gravitational pull.
When the moon is in an air sign we often experience strong winds. So if we add the strong winds to the gravitational tugging, tides, markets and humans (everything is connected) could get stirred up over the coming days.
Oceans could see strong waves and currents. I wouldn’t go fishing this weekend. Surf the emotional waves instead.
Since Pluto is involved, there could be some sort of destruction and subsequent transformation of the earth — the ground, specifically underground — as a result of these strong winds and currents.
We will see what happens. When it happens.
Here’s the Sabian Symbol for the degree of the New Moon, courtesy of
This Symbol shows a safe and comfortable place to live, work, pray and practice our spiritual lives. The “Old Adobe Missions” were built with a great deal of effort, sacrifice, commitment, and a sense of community with one eye on the path and the other on the very real everyday needs of the people it serves. Sometimes we assume our beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the truth. Efforts should be turned to creating infrastructures to pursue these beliefs. Relating is not about control, but acceptance and reverence of each person’s divinity. There should be no pretensions, but a forging of links to new worlds.
Withdrawing. Spiritual retreat. Natural surroundings. Creating civilizations out of natural elements. Finding places to work with spirit. Sanctuaries and learning. Houses. Centers.
Dogmatism. Pushing one’s beliefs and ideas. Having ‘all the answers’. Moving in. Taking over. Monuments to the past. Cults. Indoctrination. Chiefs. Indians.
Andrea Scoretz is a writer & consulting astrologer using planetary archetypes to explore the psyche.